
cowsay 'don't do it'


I painted :)

blue specs

I also did a little bit of function stuff, getting to carrying on with my faasd PR stuff. Hopefully it will go well, but it did get me thinking. faasd doesn’t actually do anything other than theoretically make deploying function containers a bit easier. Doesn’t do any scaling, and doesn’t make it easier that say docker to do scaling. I could just set up docker or containerd to do everything, with the bonus that I get to use traefik which I preferred to caddy. It’s a more evolved system and will do better. But then I run into the trap of “I could use swarm” and then “I could just use kubernetes” and I don’t want to do that. Anyway.

I’m also going to try and do some cyanotype prints. I’ll do some thinking on what I can print. My first thought was a coca cola bottle under the sun. I think that might get some cool effects.

I think I realised today that this format of diary where I write tech stuff then art stuff then “what I’ve been thinking” needs to be changed up a bit. I find myself throughout the day willing myself to think of something to think of to write about later. Even in doing that, I found myself thinking “that is something to write about” when I had that thought and now I’ve written about it. Spirals.

Speaking of which I found this beautiful app today