
Go moan for man


No used teslas today, which sucks because I’m busy on friday, therefore hungover on saturday. Sophie is back on sunday (maybe). I need to just keep doing small amounts but I have no energy today.

Not for poor reasons mind you, I had a long busy day today in office. Leaving the house is often the cure I need and always seem to forget. Leaving properly for all day and just existing elsewhere. I’ll go into the office more. When I got back I spend the evening finishing On the Road. Shit it got to me. I’m glad it’s how I spent my evening, even if it wasn’t working towards any of my big stuff. I did get reinvigorated to work on music again so maybe that’s what I did today. Nevertheless the ending to on the road is heartbreaking in the most apt way. Thoroughly enjoyed it. While I remember on this website i need a photo-gallery and a list of books, films, music I like. Should get on that.

I very much believe in terms of climate change we are completely doomed. I also think that this belief propagating is the only way the problem will get solved. I think it’s underestimated the power that passive acceptance has on people, and how it will strike fear, that will lead to action. Not sure.